Read to Achieve Program Hits Record Sign Up Numbers for Fall Session
By Iowa Wolves Staff /September 13, 2024

The Iowa Wolves and Athene announced today more than 11,000 students are registered for the fall session of Read to Achieve, a record total for the reading program open for students in grades kindergarten through eighth grade. Read to Achieve, which is in its fourth year, rewards students and schools with prizes and Wolves tickets for accomplishing their reading goals.
"For the fourth year in a row, Athene is proud to support local students through our partnership with the Iowa Wolves’ Read to Achieve Program," said Amanda Carstens Steward, Senior Vice President, Head of Marketing at Athene. "By fostering an environment that encourages reading and learning, we believe we can inspire Iowa students to reach new academic heights and unlock their full potential."
We are so proud of the record-breaking registration numbers; it is a true testament of how many students in Iowa are positively impacted. We are excited to continue to grow this program and to see all these excellent readers at our games this season."
"We are thrilled to bring back our Read to Achieve program for the fourth year, presented by Athene,” said Iowa Wolves President of Business Operations Drew Van Meeteren. “We are grateful for Athene's commitment in making this important literacy program extremely successful in our community. We are so proud of the record-breaking registration numbers; it is a true testament of how many students in Iowa are positively impacted. We are excited to continue to grow this program and to see all these excellent readers at our games this season."
Students that complete the challenge by reading 500 or more minutes will receive two (2) free tickets good for any Wolves home game this season and a Wolves prize pack. The school with the highest percentage of students to complete the reading challenge will receive the Read to Achieve trophy, a pizza party for the school hosted by Northern Lights Pizza and an appearance by Iowa's favorite mascot, Alpha.
The Iowa Wolves and Athene look forward to continuing a love for reading with students for the winter session of Read to Achieve that will take place Dec. 9 through Jan. 17. Registration for teachers, schools and administrators to sign up students for the winter session will start Nov. 4.
For more information on Read to Achieve, you can visit our Read to Achieve homepage. If you have any questions, please contact Maddy Browne, Partnership Marketing Manager at